Stampin Up started an online community for demos and for some reason I got so tied up going there to update stuff that I completely forgot that you,my customers and followers, cannot go there to see stuff! So let me see if I can catch things up here. Some cards done recently ....

Sale-a-bration is in it's second month - Have you gotten your FREE set yet? Even if there are no items in the Sale a bration mini you love (how could you not love that new punch?!) then remember to check out the last page where the list continues to include a large offering from the main catalog that you can also choose from.

Have had some class rescheduling due to weather lately - spring can't get here fast enough for me. The next class is February 27th and we will get into spring cards using Abundant Hope, Garden From the Heart, Messages for Mom and Going Green - all sets found in the Occasions Mini which runs through April. Check out the class schedule and make up dates each month at my website

Craft season is fast approaching - I don't know why I pack all my crafting stuff up for winter when it is the time of year I should be working really hard on crafts. Pulled out the dominoes and dremel and made some bracelets. Tiles next next. Then will be working on something new - according to a color test I did the other day I am a creator and always look for something new - fits me to a tee.